Wednesday, March 25, 2009

DLaz Thoughts

It has been almost a decade since The Simpsons was even half-decent and it’s still on TV. That’s really amazing when you think about it.

I don’t know anybody who likes Nancy Pelosi. Even her parents are disappointed.

I’ve been getting less spam recently. Which means, even the spammers have been hit by the recession (finally a bright spot in this mess).

Does anyone else get the feeling that A-Rod is going to go postal? Either that, or take Jeter hostage and refuse to release him until the world agrees to love him.

I would pay good money to see Rush Limbaugh and Michael Moore compete in American Gladiators.

Did President Obama make fun of the Special Olympics….and get away with it? I wonder if he can walk on water.

The number 1 rule of parenting: never let your kid became a child actor. Has a child actor’s life/career ever gone well in the aftermath?

Madonna is the first ever real triple threat. She could be my mother, my grandmother or my girlfriend and I think I would be OK with any of those options (I seeked permission from my girlfriend and was granted approval to write this thought. Still awaiting approval from my mom and grandma).

How is it that Europeans are so laid back and civilized in every facet of life, except when it comes to soccer?

I wish I was either smarter or dumber.


  1. If you were dumber you would still be affected by the economy, you just wouldn't understand why.

  2. jchalfin,

    my dumber/smarter thought was not necessarily a commentary on the current economy. It was a generalization.


  3. even the re-runs for the simpsons arent good anymore

    the french just kidnapped a 3M manager by the way...not very civilized.

    my money is on Rush over Moore...all those painkillers will numb his sense of pain.

  4. It's rare but can happen. I'd say Ron Howard has been pretty successful post-Andy Griffith.

    Wow - I can't believe the piling on the Simpsons. That is THE defining show of my life and it will always get the benefit of the doubt.

    Love the Madonna comment.

  5. freaking great post. I don't know if Ron Howard counts because he is a director. Maybe Drew barrymore ?? natalie portman? the kid from lucas (okay maybe not him)

    I look at The simpsons like the Beatles. After a while the simple ballads can be repetitive and dated but we owe them so much because of the walls they broke down. Even if you do not watch South Park or The Family Guy these shows have become a way for the youth to express their concerns about society. In my eyes, The Simpsons are like an aging football coach who will never get the boot until they grab the clipboard from their dead hands.

    Max Power

  6. Dfrank,

    But the kidnappers are calling themselves the Zidane Hooligans.

    I would also take Rush. I think he would do whatever is necessary to win.

  7. Matt,

    I think you perfectly summed up how I feel about the Simpsons.

    BTW, to clarify, the Simpsons comment was a tribute to the greatness of the early years.

  8. I was gonna say Drew Barrymore as well. She dated Tom Green though so does that count as being a screw-up?

    And Mom called, she does not approve of Madonna being your mother.

  9. Not all child stars grow up to be complete train wrecks. Take Macaulay Culkin for example…ooh never mind. Or how about Haley Joel Osment? Fine…what about Corey Feldman? Danny Bonaduce? Gary Coleman, Todd Bridges, or Dana Plato…they turned out okay, right?

  10. Adj,

    Yea, Drew Barrymore is definitely an interesting case. Maybe see not a screw-up, but I think she may have a few screws loose.

  11. Andrew,

    Yes, they all turned out OK. In fact, all you listed are a part of my Dustin Diamond All-star league for child actors who went on to greater succes.

  12. I stand by Ron Howard. Nowhere was it specified that said child actor had to grow up to be an actor. The comment just said successful career.

    But if that's how you want to play, what about:

    Leo DiCaprio? He did some Growing Pains, didn't he?

  13. I am willing to accept ron howard. It did not specify that they needed to act. You could also say Princess lea then ( Carrie Fisher) She is one of the most successful script writers and script doctors in hollywood.

  14. DLaz, life's been a bit hectic for me lately, as you may know, so just catching up on your posts. Since this thread seems to be just about thoughts in general, I thought I'd bless all of you with the following pearl:

    A Mexican tortilla sprinkled with cheese, nuked just long enough to cause the melted cheese fat to "fry" the tortilla and crisp it up a bit, sprinkled with garlic salt and cracked black pepper, then wrapped up with a handful of Cheetos inside, eaten within earshot of crashing surf whilst sipping Mexican beer, in Mexico, may well be the very pinnacle of human gastric experience. And I don’t even smoke weed.

    Thanks again Matt.
