Tuesday, March 3, 2009

"Mr. Watson - Come Here - I Want to See You"

If a post hits a blog and no one is around to read it, does it have any relevancy? I guess that's what I'm going to find out, as I'm pretty sure no one is reading my first post. Anyway, I figure I'll start out with the basic questions a curious observer of this blog may have.

What's with the name "Blog and Drinks?"

I figured that I would be doing most of my blogging at the end of my day, when I wind down and usually enjoy a glass (or two) of red wine. So there you go. I encourage my audience (of only myself right now) to also wind down at the end of their day, with the alcoholic beverage of their choice (unless your under 21, in which case, you either need to be in college or really cool in high school) and enjoy my blog. Cheers!

What is the subject of this Blog?

Much like how the US is wondering around aimlessly right now, lost with no decipherable plan to deal with the Great Depression 2.0, this blog will be a crapshoot. Basically, I'll blog about whatever's on my mind. Topics I see myself talking about include: the current economic crisis (i don't see that going away anytime soon), politicians (if you don't realize that they will say whatever they need to get your vote, you shouldn't have a vote), sports, other writers/bloggers I enjoy reading, crazy individuals who wield too much power (I'm speaking to you, Ann Coulter) and of course Angela Jolie.

How do I know if "Blog and Drinks" is right for me?

First off, if you don't get sarcasm, then please stay very far away from my blog. If you think that either the Democrats or Republicans are always right, stop reading. If you have never been wrong before (I have been once), continue being right somewhere else. However, if you wish to be enlightened, are looking for a little Jewish humor (think Jon Stewart, but funnier), hear some old Simpsons jokes rehashed or just wish to forge an imaginary, creepy bond with a person you have never meet before, you're in the right place.

What Separates this Blog from every other one?


What does "Mr. Watson - Come Here - I Want to See You" mean?

It means, that some things in life are better to be learned on your own (when you don't understand something, look it up on google search, you ignorant sluts). It also means that I think I'm pretty clever. Much more clever than I really am.

Well anyway, that's it. I hope you enjoyed your drink(s).

DISCLAIMER: I have no formal writing experience (other than going to school for over 15 years), so please ignore the gluttony of grammar and speeling mistakes (I still don't trust the spell checker).


  1. Sign this man to a book deal immediately!

  2. So will this be a regurjitation of Paul Krugman and Bill Simmons or will we also learn how good Michigan football is even when they are 5 games below .500?

    Lets do things the max power way.... that is the wrong way only faster !


  3. BTW

    Richard Steele sure seems like a powerful head of the GOP huh? What a joke. At least Rush wants us to succeed as a country - oh wait he wants us to fail because he didn't win the election.


  4. Wait I don't get it. Is this your website, Doug? And when did you learn to write?

  5. I do not know how to write. I hired an intern :)

  6. Angelina Jolie? Psh, everyone knows Megan Fox is the new Angelina Jolie. Get with the times.


    Where is a good walgreen's when you nee done.
